Sunday, February 20, 2011

A Day of Pomodoros

The essence of Pomodoro technique is to stay focus, one task at a time, and take a break.

I guess somehow, Franceso Cirillo, the guy who invented this technique, has figured out a 25 minute-timebox is short enough for people (at least for me ;-) to keep their focus, while long enough to actually produce something useful.

What timer I use?
I'm using Ugo's Pomodoro Desktop for Mac. It's still available for download.

Tips: Always show current task
I find it very useful to always show the current task description on the screen. That's where I look at, when my mind started to wandering away..

A day of pomodoros
So here's a day of my pomodoros learning Grails. Well, guess I can use it as timesheet log as well. Neat feature, thanks Ugo!

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